Novels in Time

“Christmas In Time” Series is a Christmas journey. The series begins in the twenty-first century, travels back to the mid-nineteenth century and then continues into the twentieth century. Each novel in the series features it’s  own particular Christmas In Time.

Book One: The Bess Time

“Have you ever wanted to go back in time? Here is your opportunity.” Bess Turner, a woman of the twenty-first century, would like to invite you to accompany her on a journey to London, England. The season is Christmas. The year is 1847. The adventure begins with a light in a window. Mesmerized, Bess hears street noises behind her. No, that cannot be; she is in her living room, looking at a miniature building on the mantel. True, but …. Meet her colourful Victorian family, stay for a cup of tea, and taste the flaming plum pudding. Hold your breath and squeeze into the dreaded corset. Swirl around the majestic Vauxhall to the Viennese Waltz. Take in the smells and sounds of the horse-drawn carriages along busy Fleet Street. Enjoy the ride; it is The Bess Time.

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Book Two: Nick of Time

Something is different. True it is 1848 and Bess Turner, alias Bess N-ike, has returned to London, England after a year’s absence, but— where are the people? Where is the noise and bustle of street life? Had something gone wrong on her journey from the 21st century back to the 19th century? Will Bess not spend Christmas with her Dickens family? Unprepared, she finds herself in the middle of a cholera epidemic. Forced to flee London, Bess is hustled on a train to parts unknown. Rescued by a charming gentleman, she is introduced to smugglers, seamen and a quaint, but mysterious fishing village. And — thus Bess’s journey continues.

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Book Three: ’Tis About Time

’Tis about time Mrs. Bess Turner, a.k.a. Miss Bess N-ike, ventures back in time on another journey. ’Tis about Christmas in time (1849) where Bess finds herself in the quaint little fishing village, Whale’s Cove, New Hampshire. Our 21st century heroine encounters a handsome gentleman from her imaginary past (or is he imaginary?) — a loveable innkeeper — a dashing sea captain — pirates — seamen galore. Oh, there are wives, some welcoming, some definitely not. Bess’s adventures continue on land and sea, but when or will they end? Only time will tell.

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